Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ginger on Nolita

Name: Ginger
Job: Woolrich Woolen Mills

Vest:Helmut Lang          ベスト:ヘルムート・ラング
Inner Shirt: Maison Martin Margiela  シャツ:メゾンマルタンマルジェラ
Pants: Engineered Garments     パンツ;エンジニアガーメンツ
Shoes: Comme des Garcons     靴:コムデギャルソン
Cap: Mark McNairy          キャップ:Mark McNairy
Bag: Seal Line            鞄:シールライン

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I came across your blog from The Sartorialist, and I have to say that I love your personal style and your amazing photographs. Thank you so much for the incredible pictures! Please don't stop!
